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Mint(Menthe verdte) leaves and springs are used for flavorings and a very popular tea. Good addition to fruit, lamb or pork. Mint sauce can be used for meat, chocolate, and ice cream.

Planting Info:
Grown from seeds or cuttings.
Space between rows: 30 cm (12")
Space between seeds: 30 cm (12")
Depth: 1 cm (1/4")
Germination: 14 days
Harvest: 60 days

      Medicinal uses:

    • Used for colds and breathing problems.

    • Used with chamomile for a restful sleep.
    • Used to reduce nausea or stomach problems.
    • Reduces nervousness and stress.
    • Helps digest food and increase appetite.
    • Used as an antiseptic or to repel insect attack.

Peppermint Tea: Two to three fresh sprigs of fresh leaf in hot water and steeped for five minutes. Often good at the first sign of illness.

Mint leaves can be added to bath water to relieve and refresh tired limbs. It can be used as a face freshener to remove grease or surface dirt.

Fresh mint leaves can be used as a garnish on food, or crushed and used for flavor. There are several mint varieties such as spearmint and peppermint.

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